Once again, I stopped in Shipshewana, Indiana on my drive north. I have stopped here several times before as I really like the area. I enjoy the farms, the Amish, the bike trail and I can’t forget – the good bakeries (I ate too many donuts, cinnamon rolls and fried pies).
I was in Shipshewana May 25 – June 1. Since I have been here several times I didn’t take too many pictures.
I rode my bike on the Pumpkinvine trail 5 times, from 12 miles to 20 miles. It was warmer than I like while I was there so I rode early in the morning, one morning starting at 7:10 am. Much of the trail goes beside farms.

On one of the trips I noticed several Bison and a couple of calves on a farm.

One day while on the trail, I saw 5 small Amish girls (guessing age 8 and under) on a small cart being pulled by a miniature horse. It was so cute and they seemed to be having a great time.
While driving around one day, I was surprised to see a farm with camels.

While in Shipshewana I got my haircut. In the same shopping center was a church with a sign that I liked.

When I go to church I usually find a church that has a contemporary service. One thing that most have that I don’t like is the meet and greet during the service. Some churches take it to the extreme and walk around greeting each other. Then it takes a while to get everyone settled again. I always thought that should be done before or after the service. It looks like the LaGrange Missionary Church does it right – “yak & snack” before the service begins. Just a pet peeve of mine, with a good solution above!
Believe it or not I am up to date with my blogging! I am currently in Hart, MI and will blog about that after I leave here tomorrow.