They allow driving on this beach, which I don’t really like but it wasn’t too bad. I did see a few things that I had never seen before. When walking one morning on the beach I saw what I thought was a worm on the beach. As I got closer I realized it was a seahorse.
He was still alive. He would curl his tail up and a couple of times he looked at me. I guess he really just moved his head, but it looked as though he was looking straight at me. I found some plastic and scoped him and the sand just around him up, then I put him back in the ocean. The next day I went to the Texas State Aquarium and while there I asked about him. They said it is extremely unusual to find seahorses on the beach as they live in more grassy areas.
The aquarium was interesting. They had some shows, but not SeaWorld type shows. While we did watch the dolphins jump, they were really just showing us how the dolphins work with the trainers. They also had turtles, birds and other animals.
Port Aransas has several bird watching spots. One of these is a neat park just beside the shipping channel. It is about a mile long with much of this as boardwalks over the wetlands. The city bird of Port Aransas is the Roseate Spoonbill. If you have been reading my blog all along, you’ve seen several pictures of those so here’s another one. But this one is a bit different, he is looking backwards with his bill on his back.
The trail was interesting, at the beginning you are next to the shipping channel and on my first trip a huge ship came through and I watched the dolphins jumping in front of the ship.
Something else I did that was quite different was I went to a funeral. It was a whale funeral. Well, maybe not a funeral but it felt like it. A 48 foot whale washed ashore about a mile from my campground. I rode my bike on the beach to look at it. By the time I got there, they had already dug a trench in the sand dunes and dragged the whale into it. So it was like looking at him in his grave. They said that he had been dead for about 2 weeks, so it didn’t smell great, but it was interesting. The people at the whale were not tourist, but experts who where measuring him and trying to determine what type of whale he was. They know he was a baleen whale, but while I was there they hadn’t determined what type.
My campsite was just next to a small pond. It was interesting to be able to watch the birds at just about any time of day from inside my RV. Below is the view out my back window.
From Mustang Island, you can take a bridge to get to Corpus Christi or you can take the ferry to Aransas Pass. The ferry was interesting. My first 2 times I was lucky enough to have one of the front spots. A few times I watched dolphins as we crossed. On an extremely windy day I thought if the ride was longer I might have gotten sea sick! The picture below was taken from the ferry I was on – watching another ferry come in.
In my previous blog, I forgot to include this funny picture. It was an extremely cold day and I guess the birds were huddling together to stay warm.
I’m currently in Van Horn, Texas. It’s just an overnight stop. Tomorrow I think I will stop in Deming, NM and stay a couple of days before heading on to Tucson for a few day.