Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Sevier, UT Fremont Indian State Park, part 2

Since I like Petroglyphs and pictographs so much, I had to break my Fremont Indian State Park visit into 2 blogs. 

The blanket pictograph below is about 16 feet wide and 4 feet high.  It is across the interstate from the park, but they have a spotting scope on one of the trails for it.


Below is a picture from the park, across  the interstate and you can just make out the blanket pictograph.  I circled it in red.  I started thinking about the traffic on I-70.  I am guessing most don’t have any idea what they are passing.




I walked the Canyon of Life trail 3 times.  I saw several petroglyphs, but I could not find the Marao Panel that was described in the publications.  Even though I knew the general area from the publication and I found what I thought was the trail people used to look at it, I could not find it.  After walking it a couple of times I asked at the visitor center, but the person I talked to didn’t know where it was.  I also looked online, but could not find anything that helped.  On my last day there I was determined to find it and I did!!

Spoiler alert, if the hunt is part of the fun don’t look at the rest of this post as I am going to give away the secret!!   I enjoyed searching for them so seriously skip the rest of this post if you enjoy finding them yourself.


The panel was much higher than I expected, so look up.  The picture above is the cliff the panel is on, I circled in red where it is.  Below is the panel.Sevier_ut_freemont_indian_sp48_col_m[1]

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