Saturday, October 11, 2014


In my last post about Iron River, I forgot one thing.  One morning while walking the trail I saw something that I have never seen before in the wild.  Well I have seen them dead, but never alive and it was a bit scary.  I saw a skunk!!  He was about 10 feet away from me and when I saw him his tail started moving up.  I immediately starting thinking about what you have to do if sprayed by a skunk.  I kept walking and then he turned and went the other way.  Interesting, but one of those things I don’t really want to see again!!!  And no, I did not stop to take his picture. 

While in Wisconsin in early September, I stayed at 2 state parks about 30 minutes apart.  The first was Brunett Island State Park and the second was Lake Wissota State Park.  Both are fairly close to my sister and both were close to a bike path.  I typically stay at Lake Wissota when I visit my sister and her family, but I ended up with an extra week and decided to try Brunett Island.  It is a nice state park on an island in a river and the Old Abe state trail starts (or ends) at this park!

I ended up riding the trail from this end only twice, but really enjoyed it.  It rides through some woods, next to a river and farms.


I went with my sister’s family to Superior, Minnesota and on up to Gooseberry Falls State Park.  We had a great day walking around Superior and then hiking to the falls and lake.

My sister, Amy and her family at the lake shore in Superior --

One of the falls at Gooseberry Falls -

The kids in front of the falls (Summer, Parker and Avery) -

Avery taking the easy way --

Tom made it to the top of one of the rocks and of course Parker had to figure out how to get there --

He made it there and back with a little help --

I also went to some sporting events.  I went to see Summer play volleyball.  The rules of volleyball have changed quite a bit since I used to play back in my twenties. The picture is not that good, but Summer is on the other side of the net in the middle – number 5.  They played 2 matches and won all 6 games!!


I also went to one of Parker’s flag football games. That was a first for me and was fun except for the bugs. Parker is in the very middle. 

From here I headed down to Madison, Wisconsin where I got my RV washed and waxed.  From here I headed south.